Benefits of Teaching Your Horse to Stand Tied
The main reason that I like to teach my young horse’s to stand tied is to teach them patience, and to quietly stand until someone comes to get them. Expect your horse to fidget, snort, and whinny or paw I the beginning, but resist the urge to run to his rescue, where you will only be rewarding and reinforcing bad and unwanted behavior. If he tries to dig a hole to China I will hobble him, assuming that he has been hobble broke prior to being tied out (note all of the horse in training at my barn are hobble broke) and I ignore him.
My horses spend part of everyday tied out in the arena, in their stalls or on the walker. I like to think that they are happier standing tied outside seeing what is going on while catching some rays and breathing fresh air, than standing in their stall untied 24/7 looking at four walls. The benefits of teaching your horse to stand tied will pay off many times over. There will be no holes to fill in and they won’t paw the side off of your brand new trailer.
As Always; Ride Hard, Be Safe, Have Fun – Steve Kutie